Transforming Threshold Tuning

With the power of Automation

ATOMS, the Automated Tuning of Monitoring Systems, is a cutting-edge solution designed to streamline and enhance the process of threshold tuning and optimization for rule-based monitoring systems. ATOMS enables institutions to meet regulatory guidelines which mandates a quantitative approach to periodic threshold tuning. ATOMS is particularly valuable for big banks and financial institutions, ensuring robust monitoring and reducing the risks associated with money laundering.

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End-to-end Automation
01   Integrated Data Provisioning
ATOMS simplifies data preparation by providing an integrated mechanism that facilitates the extraction, and integration of data directly from multiple systems.
It utilizes pertinent data sets to schedule and execute models efficiently acting as catalyst to the process of tuning.
The use of sophisticated and robust statistical algorithms allows ATOMS to perform 'what if' analyses, identifying the optimal state for scenario analysis, and optimization of rules and thresholds.
With a focus on compliance, ATOMS offers flexible governance capabilities and comprehensive documentation that align with specific product or service requirements.

Key Benefits

Enhanced Efficiency
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ATOMS generates up to a 40-50% increase in overall efficiency by automating processes traditionally done manually.

Real-Time Cross Validation
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It allows for on-the-fly cross-validation of tuning outputs, providing immediate feedback on adjustments.

Reduced Manual Monitoring
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The automation of monitoring processes eliminates the need for manual checks, reducing human error.

Reduce False Positives
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ATOMS significantly reduces false positives and improves alert efficiency, ensuring more accurate detection of fraudulent activity.

Audit Trail
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Users can at ease review, extract and download the complete history in derivation and calibration of the thresholds for  and external audit reviews.

Intuitive Visual Evaluation
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Users can visually evaluate tuning and optimization results through intuitive charts and graphs, facilitating easier interpretation and decision-making.

End-to-end Automation
01   Integrated Data Provisioning
ATOMS simplifies data preparation by providing an integrated mechanism that facilitates the extraction, and integration of data directly from multiple systems.
It utilizes pertinent data sets to schedule and execute models efficiently acting as catalyst to the process of tuning.
The use of sophisticated and robust statistical algorithms allows ATOMS to perform 'what if' analyses, identifying the optimal state for scenario analysis, and optimization of rules and thresholds.
With a focus on compliance, ATOMS offers flexible governance capabilities and comprehensive documentation that align with specific product or service requirements.

Efficiency Through ATOMS™

ATOMS can transform a 4-6 weeks tuning/validation exercise into a 2-4 weeks task, markedly accelerating the optimization journey. Here's how ATOMS streamlines different facets of the monitoring system:

Data Sourcing
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